Certification in construction
In the legislation of the Republic of Belarus relating to the construction industry, changes were recently adopted, and more specifically, the need to undergo licensing was abolished. But, despite this, activities in the construction industry have not become clearer and more transparent, since in some areas of construction it is now required to undergo certification in the construction of the Republic of Belarus. The construction industry and the safety of its implementation have always been under the most severe control of state authorities, but now many investors cannot invest financial resources in this area of activity, since entering the market has become more costly with the need to pass certification in construction.
Features of such a procedure as certification in construction, as well as a list of all the necessary documentation that needs to be prepared for the implementation of such a procedure, are prescribed in the legislation of the Republic of Belarus. This is a legislative act dated 21.03.2014/252/14 number 2014, as well as Decree of the President of the country dated January 26, XNUMX number XNUMX.
Stages in which certification in the construction industry is carried out:
1. Registration of a package of documents for certification.
2. Submission of this package of documentation to the building control authorities at the appointed time.
Consideration of an application for certification in construction is carried out within 5 working days from the date of filing an application for passing the procedure. But in practice, the consideration of the application can take up to a month. The specialists of the regulatory authorities conduct initial consultations on the rules for applying for certification.
You need to know who has the right to submit documentation for consideration of an application for a certificate in the construction industry:
3. By the applicant (the head of the enterprise) with the simultaneous presentation of a document that certifies the identity of the head of the legal entity.
4. A full-time representative of the enterprise with the applicant's power of attorney.
5. An authorized person who has a document - the power of attorney of the applicant of the enterprise (director). Also, the representative must have a document authorizing the provision of legal services.
To successfully pass the certification of legal entities in construction, a complete prepared package of documentation is sent on paper and it must be signed and stamped by the applicant (director of the enterprise). The package of documentation submitted for consideration by state bodies must be bound in a binder, and the pages of documents must be numbered, and an inventory must be attached.
Highly qualified employees of the Legal Time company can help in obtaining such a certificate for permitting the construction activity of an object. Professional specialists of the company will do everything in their power to obtain such an important permit document for you in the shortest possible time and at the highest level.
Seek help from highly professional specialists of the company so that obtaining for you a permit permitting the construction of an object ends for you with the approval of the application. The work of professional lawyers of Legal Time will be performed very high quality, which guarantees you complete success in obtaining a certificate.