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LLC registration

Registering an LLC today on the territory of Belarus is significantly simplified compared to European countries. But first things first.

Who is not eligible to register an LLC in the Republic of Belarus

Not everyone can become a founder of such an individual business. For example, registration of a company cannot be carried out:

— a legal entity/company in the process of liquidation,

- the presence of an outstanding conviction for committing an economic crime,

- a legal or natural person who is prohibited from conducting business activities,

- a legal entity or enterprise that is in the process of liquidation due to bankruptcy and/or non-repayment of debts,

- and also the reasons fixed by the current legislative acts.

LLC registration fee
LLC registration From 250 dollars ($)

Contact person for this service: Skobey Andrey Nikolaevich, lawyer-licensee, you can contact him by phone +375291102388 or by e-mail info@legaltime.by.

LLC registration procedure

Everything is carried out thoroughly accurately and slowly, observing the order of the following steps:

— coordination of the name of the future organization,

— determination of the legal address, without which registration of a branch, like an LLC, is simply impossible,

– determination of the size of the authorized capital of the organization or the branch being created,

— development, preparation and confirmation of the statutory documents of the registered branch or organization,

– selection and appointment of the head of the LLC when creating a branch, organization or LLC, when registering an LLC company,

– state registration of an LLC or a new legal entity,

— ordering and purchasing a seal for a new legal entity, a registered branch or a new organization,

- opening new current accounts for a registered branch in a bank, where without documents on the registration of a company, you can not do anything.


To complete this procedure, you will need to register with the tax service, the Federal Social Security Service and Belgosstrakh. It is not difficult to go through them, but it is somewhat time-consuming. The step-by-step execution of the above algorithm for registering a branch or LLC will help.

An LLC, legal entity or branch is considered to have been registered after submitting to the local tax authorities the seal of the new enterprise in the Charter.

There is a certain range of additional formalities, the elaboration of which is best left to a professional from our company.

As soon as you have opened a bank account for a new legal entity, immediately go to the Federal Social Security Service with an information letter, where you need to indicate information about the manager and accountant. We also add copies of the certificate of registration of a new legal entity and the charter.

We purchase and create a “Book of Inspections” and a “Book for Comments and Suggestions” with the appointment of responsible persons (preferably one) for their timely maintenance.

Registering a company in the Republic of Belarus, an organization or an LLC with us is quick and cost-effective, both in terms of time and with minimal costs for additional payments. Come and our professionals will do everything quickly, carefully and correctly and within the framework of the current legislative framework.

The firm must buy a book of accounting for inspections and audits and a book of comments and suggestions. An employee is appointed responsible for their maintenance.

Registration of companies in Minsk will be easier and more comfortable if you use professional legal services.

For professional legal advice, call +375291102388 or e-mail: info@legaltime.by.


  • Chavez:

    I am Chinese and want to register a company in Belarus, can you help me?


    Please I'm Emmanuel I live in the Netherlands I want to open an investment in Belarus, a limited company, Please send me all information to me.
    I will be waiting fir your reply

  • Shamim Qaiser:

    I have seen your website very nice and I hope you can help me in my discussion about company registration

  • Sumit:


    I'm an Indian and want to start as an individual entrepreneur.

    Is this something possible for an Indian. If YES, please guide how I can start on this.

    Thank you!

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